El adiós a Kirk Douglas. Tras concer la notícia de la muerte de este legendario actor, varios de los actores de Hollywood y la misma academia de Cine no han tardado en reaccionar para mostrar sus condolencias a la familia y su respeto por uno de los actores más populares de una era.
Douglas interpretó películas tan recordadas y famosas como Espartaco (1960) de Stanley Kubrick, Duelo de Titanes (John Sturges, 1957), 20.000 leguas de viaje submarino (Richard Fleischer, 1954), El loco del pelo Rojo (Vincente Minnelli, George Cukor , 1956), Senderos de Glória (Stanley Kubrick, 1957), o Saturno 3 (Stanley Donen, John Barry, 1980), por nombrar algunas de su extensa carrera.
Todo un actor con una gran sonrisa que ha mantenido hasta el final. Su gran carrera por Hollywood le trajo muchos amigos, fama y un gran respeto. Grandes nombres del cine actual han querido despedirse de este actor a través de sus redes sociales.
Kirk Douglas, tal y como ha dicho su hijo, deja un gran legado en el cine que perdurará para muchos años. Os dejamos aquí algunas de las reacciones de actores como Arnold Schwarzenegger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, o Mark Hamill.
Un recuerdo para este querido actor de una gran época de aventuras. Por suerte siempre podremos volver a disfrutarlo en pantalla.
El adiós a Kirk Douglas
Kirk Douglas was one of the biggest stars of all time & a brilliant actor with an unforgettable, blazing charisma. He will also be remembered for putting his career on the line by defying the Hollywood Blacklist, hiring writer Dalton Trumbo for the classic Spartacus. #RIP 💔 pic.twitter.com/snzoHPMtDr
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) February 6, 2020
Kirk Douglas, one of the most famous actors of all time and father to actor Michael Douglas, has died. He was 103. Rest in Peace. pic.twitter.com/oZOSOWxHMk
— Golden Globe Awards (@goldenglobes) February 5, 2020
“I wanted to be an actor ever since I was a kid in the second grade. I did a play, and my mother made a black apron, and I played a shoemaker. After the performance, [my father] gave me my first Oscar: an ice cream cone.” -Kirk Douglas
Goodbye to a Hollywood legend. pic.twitter.com/vnu1Hkb2FA
— The Academy (@TheAcademy) February 5, 2020
Kirk Douglas. The inspirational Scalawag. 103 years on this earth. That’s got a nice ring to it! Great hanging with you man.
— Danny DeVito (@DannyDeVito) February 6, 2020
KIrk Douglas will always be an icon in the pantheon of Hollywood. He put himself on the line to break the blacklist. My love goes out to my friend Michael and the whole family.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) February 5, 2020
Today, Hollywood loses a true legend. But his light will keep shining forever at the cinematographic sky.
RIP Kirk Douglashttps://t.co/DoJicXsMB7 pic.twitter.com/ZBxknPY3h6
— Antonio Banderas (@antoniobanderas) February 6, 2020
Prolífic i estimat actor, ens ha deixat Kirk Douglas, llegenda de Hollywood, als 103 anys. Rest In Peace pic.twitter.com/1RfybDy99F
— Sitges Festival (@sitgesfestival) February 6, 2020
Kirk Douglas was one of the greatest actors of all time. A few years ago Deb & I went around for tea. It was one of the most wonderful afternoons we’ve ever spent. Kirk shared amazing stories. He was funny, self deprecating, giving & brutally honest. In a word … LEGEND. pic.twitter.com/Q4u88U821h
— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) February 6, 2020
Summer, 2001
Backstage after performance of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Kirk Douglas was the first to play RP McMurphy.
Was so honored he saw the show.
Thank you for all the great films over the years sir.
May you Rest In Peace.
God bless pic.twitter.com/5R1QJdy47w— Gary Sinise (@GarySinise) February 6, 2020
The Hollywood legend, Kirk Douglas has died aged 103. Here he is being interviewed by Michael Parkinson in 1979. pic.twitter.com/ncigH12UpN
— BBC Archive (@BBCArchive) February 6, 2020
With the news of Kirk Douglas’s passing this morning we want to take a moment to thank this iconic actor for his beautiful portrayal of Vincent in Lust for Life. What is your favorite moment from this film? #KirkDouglas #LustforLife #vincentvangogh pic.twitter.com/eOZ6xAcTYo
— Van Gogh Museum (@vangoghmuseum) February 6, 2020
Al fons de Ràdio Barcelona📻que conservem a la BC hi ha una entrevista a #KirkDouglas de l'any 1970 🎙️https://t.co/SYvnJymKCz, i ho il·lustrem amb un anunci a la revista Destino de 1956, que anunciava el western Pacto de honor
(Top.: 05(46.71Bar)DesFol) pic.twitter.com/JOIU6rtkfL— Biblioteca de Catalunya (@BiblioCatalunya) February 6, 2020
Em 1950, o senador McCarthy concluiu que artistas eram comunistas e viviam em Hollywood.
Os estúdios, apavorados, demitiram todos.
Em 1960, Kirk Douglas chamou Dalton Trumbo (na lista negra) para roteiro de SPARTACUS. Ganhou 4 Oscars e desmoralizou o macarthismo.
Obrigado. pic.twitter.com/ZjIEG2TFId
— Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho) February 6, 2020